Our BelPresJustice.org website just got an update and an upgrade! We've upgraded the software version, and added all of the content from our newsletters since we first started sending them. Here's a little history about the site.

In mid-2018, we began work on a website dedicated to the J&RR Team at Bellevue Presbyterian Church (BelPres). The purpose of the site was to provide a place to post our team meetings, events sponsored by the J&RR Team, BelPres events, and local Community events in support of racial justice and reconciliation. We also posted links to the books we've studied, to movies and videos we've seen, and podcasts we've heard, along with other relevant articles.

As of this month, we have nearly 60 books, over 30 movies and videos, and a half-dozen podcasts about Justice and Racial Reconciliation which have been studied and curated by the J&RR Team. We also have a blog where we include news and events relevant to racial justice, along with our own commentaries, laments, and other writings. We also have links to local and national organizations dedicated to racial justice in our world.

This website is meant to be a resource for anyone who loves Jesus and wants to make a difference in bringing Justice and Racial Reconciliation wherever we live, work, play, and learn. We're working behind the scenes to make sure the search engines find this vast resource, but you can help too!

  • Tell your family, friends, and justice-oriented organizations that you know to visit the site, click through the links, and read our blog and our reviews.
  • Check out our Calendar for J&RR Events, BelPres events, and Community events.
  • If you've led a book study or movie/video discussion in the past but have not written a review, or if you read one of our books or viewed a movie/video and are willing to write a review, it's not too late. We would welcome your reviews!

Only about 25% of the books have reviews (and even fewer movies, videos, and podcasts have them). We've like to have at least one per resource. Click this link to download a simple Word template you can fill in to help you write it. Return it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll contact you to follow up.

We hope you find this website to be a blessing now and in the future.